Ken and I rushed out to enjoy the sunshine before the wind became too strong to enjoy it. We decided to go to Ennis Lake to see if it was beginning to melt.
Temperatures have been in the teens to twenties in the mornings and between the mid thirties and high forties in the afternoons. It has been an unusually mild February.
When we arrived at the lake we discovered several ice fishermen. Near the bridge the lake is peeking through the ice and slowly creeping toward the area where the men are ice fishing.
As we rounded the lake and headed back toward town we saw amazing ice formations. Ken spent quite some time walking and shooting. Here is a shot of him and one of my favorite discoveries.
I can’t wait to see what kind of images he captured today.
Ken just emailed me this photo he got the same day of my last post. Here is what he had to say about the image:
"Soaring at ten feet elevation I was transformed between worlds. Is it this planet, another planet or another universe? With the feeling I have it really does not matter."
Like I said before, the ever changing river in winter is an amazing sight to behold when the river gorges.
Photo by Ken W. Hall, title: Soaring at Ten Feet Elevation

If you are reading my posts on a regular basis you may be wondering why so many images of the gorged river. It is difficult to explain how awesome it is to watch this incredible process. It only seems to happen here at the bridge in Ennis. Even the photos I post do not give you a true picture of what it is like to stand beside this river of ever-changing ice and water.I found an open pool that has formed a water vortex. Chunks of ice popped up, circled around the surface then disappeared under the water current. The occasional cracking of large sections of ice interrupted the sound of swirling water like a loud gunshot.
Temperatures this week have been much like last week. We have enjoyed a couple of awesome days with bright sunshine and only a light breeze. Those are the days you get outside to play.
The second photo I took at eight mile yesterday is of a lovely design that caught my eye. Mother nature is such an amazing artist.
We have to remind ourselves it is still February. Everyone is getting spring fever due to the unusually warm weather this week. Wednesday it was fifty degrees.
A young boy was reported to be wearing shorts and a t-shirt at the grocery store this week. That is a bit surprising since the wind chill makes it feel as if it is in the thirties.
One of my favorite things to do is drive across the bridge to the campground just past Lions Park and walk by the river. This time of year that is not possible.
When the river gorges the ice blocking its path at the bridge forces the water out of its banks. It always floods my favorite spot. This photo will give you an idea of what it looks like, lots of ice with traces of snow on top.