Photo by Ken W. Hall
It rained every day for the past week. Local residents were asking the question, " will winter ever end?" Finally the sun shown brightly yesterday.
Looks like the weather is going to be warm and lovely. We are looking forward to some seventy and eighty degree weather after so many fifty and sixty degree days.
One of our daily visitors posed for Ken. His colors are so vibrant he stands out in the crowd.

Photos by Ken W. Hall
Ken wanted to get out early this morning to capture a wild iris on film. The grass was covered with water from last nights heavy rain and mud puddles dotted our path. It has been raining everyday this week.
My shoes were soaked through to my socks but it was worth the trip. A lone deer nestled in the tall grass greeted us as we began our journey.
The animals and birds began to wake up as we searched the fields by the river for one of our favorite wild flowers.
Ken just sent me a couple of preview shots of our morning adventure.

The weather is ever changing in June. This past week we went from those lovely summer like days to rain, then snow, rain, sunshine, wind and more rain.
Last Friday Ken and I visited the Bear Trap Canyon and it was so beautiful and clear.
Over the weekend I was driving to work in the snow.
A friend of mine asked me if winter will ever end. Of course, the answer is yes. Just not right now.