It has been snowing lightly off and on all morning. I just talked to a gallery owner in Pray, Montana. He said he was going outside to shovel snow.
The birds have been dining all morning. I filled the feeders twice already.
Temperatures are in the mid thirties to low forties. It is sure to freeze tonight.
Fall is definitely here.
Fall is here. It is forty eight degrees outside and this mule deer mom and her two babies just arrived to have breakfast at our bird feeder.
The mornings have been cool but our afternoons have been unusually warm. It was in the low eighties yesterday.
The wind has been silent. The sun shines bright. Perfect weather to play out of doors.
I love the fall.

What a spectacular day! A friend of ours joined us for a hike at Wall Creek.
The weather this time of year is awesome. It was in the mid seventies when we started and reached eighty-two in the afternoon. A light breeze kept the sun from being too hot to enjoy the walk.
I stopped to rest in the shade and this little fellow stopped by to see if I had anything I wanted to share for lunch.
A few trees and shrubs are beginning to show their fall colors. I just love this time of year. Where did the summer go?
The weather was spectacular for our Fly Fishing Festival...except for the brief gust of wind and heavy rain that lasted a few moments on Saturday.
Ken's photography seminar was well attended and many of the participants stopped by our booth to share their appreciation. One kind gentleman said he has attended lots of workshops on photography but this was by far the best.
Strong steady winds began Sunday morning after the event closed and continued until this morning.
Today there is a gentle breeze with temperatures in the low seventies. It is beginning to feel like fall.
Ken traveled down toward Quake Lake a few days ago. Stopped vehicles lined both sides of the highway.
Pulling over to investigate Ken found this mother bear and her cub having lunch. He heard a loud sound like a tree falling. It was the mother ripping apart a fallen log to dine on the grub inside.
We continue to have rain and thunderstorms. Night temperatures have the feel of fall and range in the forties and fifties. Daytime range from low seventies to mid eighties.