What a week this has been. The weather went from one extreme to another.On Sunday March 22nd Ken and I were enjoying a fairly warm and sunshiny day. We drove around the lake which was at least one third thawed. We even hiked down bear trap canyon. Ken got some great new images of the river.On Monday we woke to a light dusting of snow. During the week temperatures reached nine degrees with a high that day of only twenty-three. Then later in the week the lows were thirty-two degrees with highs in the low fifties.I spotted the osprey in its nest. Friends reported their first encounter with a grizzly bear and her cubs on their ranch threatening their dogs and horses.
Day before yesterday was our big surprise. A winter storm hit and dropped eighteen inches of snow. The road to Virginia City was closed.A friend of mine created this snowman. I am five feet seven inches tall and it stands a good foot taller than me.
With this much moisture it is bound to be an awesome summer.
The first day of spring was awesome. Temperatures rose to the low sixties but it felt like seventy.People were outside riding bikes, four wheelers and motorcycles. Children played outside. Others walked or fished. I took this shot of some local kids stopping their fun at Lions Park long enough to enjoy their lunch.
The sun was shining and the day was calm. What a perfect day.We worked outside on little projects you tend not to tackle in the cold and snow.
The signs of spring were everywhere this past week.
A blue bird, some robins and a large flock of starlings graced us with their presence.
I took this photo last night as the snow began to fall. Two inches covered the ground when I left the house this morning.It was thirty-two degrees, the birds were singing and the sun was trying to peek from behind the clouds.
It is expected to reach fifty today.
Ah, spring! We are so glad you are here.
I managed to get this quick shot this morning of the steam rising from the river.
The temperature outside is three below zero. The fact that there is not even a hint of a breeze makes these sub-zero temperatures more bearable.
The sun is peeking its head out from behind the clouds. The birds are dining at the feeders in our little front yard mini-forest.
We went from unseasonably warm weather to unseasonably cold weather. It is predicted to be even colder tonight.
Glad I still have my thermal underwear out.
It was five degrees when I left the house this morning. A light dusting of snow covered the deck.
This past week we received about four inches of snow in one day followed by a few light dustings.
I took this photo on Saturday. It was a windy day.
No, winter is not over yet. We were just hopeful and grateful for that little reminder that spring is not far off.
Winter finally released its icy grip on the Madison River this week. Ken and I were out yesterday walking its banks when we came upon a lone fisherman pleased to finally find openings along the banks.
It seems my winter has been focused on the river. I did not realize how much I missed watching it flow and hearing its soothing sounds. It is great to see the ducks and eagles once again feeding off the river’s bounty.
It was sixty-one degrees yesterday. When we returned from our river journey we enjoyed a cup of hot tea outside on the deck and talked with a friend. Today I have a sun and wind burned face. It feels so good.
I noticed some of our trees are budding.