©2012 Ken W. Hall |
This amazing sunrise greeted me my first morning home after the doctor worked on my eye. It was a spectacular sunrise and it felt so good to be home.
The skies here in Ennis are always beautiful but the colors change with the seasons and become more interesting and intense in the winter.
I cannot begin to express my gratitude for all your kind and loving words of support and prayers. I am deeply touched and filled with gratitude. Who knew so many people were following my little blog?
The eyesight journey continues. With the help of modern technology I am able to do more and more tasks. The gas bubble is getting smaller and I am slowly increasing my time on the computer. I dusted off an old blog called
"Changing Focus" where I will share more about my eyesight journey. The next step is to get back to selling and creating more art as soon as the bubble is gone.
The weather here in Ennis is rather mild for us. Temperatures are in the teens and twenties at night and increasing to the mid to high thirties in the day. This week we enjoyed some wonderful days with sunshine.
I was surprised to hear on the news that Bozeman has moved more snow this year than usual. There have been a few bouts of snow and really cold temps, but not too bad for us.
Ken took me for a drive yesterday to visit my beloved Madison River. The only evidence of gorging is the ice that clings to the banks. The river itself is flowing freely within its banks.
I will keep you posted. Sounds like it could be an early spring.