Sunday, April 20, 2014

Osprey, Trout and Moose

©2014 Ken W. Hall

©2014 Ken W. Hall
It is a beautiful Easter Sunday.  We took a walk along the Madison River near Eight Mile Fishing Access earlier this morning. 

As we were approaching the access Ken noticed this Bull Moose sun bathing on a small island in the middle of the river.  Camera in hand he headed out down the river to see if he could get a few shots.

Just as we began to make our way to the river's edge this magnificent osprey flew overhead and put o quite a show.  Ken immediately noticed the trout he held in his talons.

By the time we reached the moose he was not in the mood for a photo shoot.  Ken managed this one quick shot before he rose and headed across the river diapering into the safety of the willows.

It was forty degrees at six this morning and now it is fifty-nine.  The wind makes it feel colder but the sunshine is a welcome sight.

I wish you a blessed day.