©2014 Penny Hall |
An arctic front moved in yesterday bringing lots of wind and cold temperatures. The high was about 6 above zero yesterday. This morning it was 15 degrees below zero and calm.
Yesterday the deer were roaming about grazing on anything they could find. Today they are noticeably absent. I am sure they are bedded down somewhere keeping warm. Tomorrow it is expected to reach a high of about 18 degrees.
The sun is shining and the high is expected to reach zero. I am huddled in the house working from home with a warm cup of tea near the warmth of the pellet stove.
I love how technology allows me to work anywhere using my laptop and phone. Life is so good and I am so blessed.
©2014 Ken W. Hall |
Christmas eve the wind blew with such force it knocked the bulb off the outside light fixture on the back porch. Snow fell most of the night and we woke to falling snow and about six inches on the ground.
Our lunch guests from the Cameron area were surprised to find such deep snow as they approached Ennis. They had less than an inch at their home.
Our friend from the McAllister area woke to snow drifts in excess of three feet. He resorted to hiking across the pasture to meet a ride at the highway.
The above photo is the little shed out back. The wind blew the snow so fiercely the building looked as if it had been flocked.
Today we experienced a few little snow flurries with temperatures only in the teens. Another storm arrives tomorrow with an expected three to four additional inches of snow and temperatures dropping to fifteen below zero by Monday.
This mild December appears to be going out with a bang. Happy New Year everyone. I think I will huddle in with a warm cup of tea and make some turkey soup.
©2014 Penny Hall |
It was 12 degrees this morning when we woke. There were deer bedded down under our neighbor's trampoline and our resident bunny rabbit was out looking for food.
It began to snow Saturday evening and continued some during the day on Sunday. A little more fell last night. In all it might have been two inches.
We welcomed the sunshine today. The days are getting shorter but soon we will pass the shortest day of the year mark. I love the sunshine and will enjoy the ever increasing hours of daylight.
©2014 Ken W. Hall |
©2014 Ken W. Hall |
It is two in the afternoon on the last Sunday in November and the thermometer is just now registering ten degrees above zero. It was twelve below when we woke this morning to a couple of inches of snow.
Ken was checking the temperature when he noticed a deer curled up under the neighbor's trampoline. The shed helped to block some of the strong winds that were rather brutal last evening.
Yesterday was the Woman's Club's annual Holiday Bazaar. When we went to set up our booth it was about forty degrees and breezy. When we left at 3:00 PM it was twelve degrees with heavy winds and blowing snow.
This is the perfect day to cuddle up inside, bake and cook soup. I think I'l have another cop of hot tea.